Big News PM Laptop Scheme 2023 Registration |Last Date

PM Laptop Scheme 2023

Assalam-o-Alaikum from our side to all the students who want to benefit from the new laptop scheme of the government. “P M Laptop Scheme 2023” P M Laptop Scheme Phase 3″P M Laptop Scheme 2023 Eligibility Criteria” P M Laptop Scheme 2023 with Mobile App” P M Laptop Scheme 2023 Last Date” P M Laptop Scheme Contact Details” We will provide you with complete details in this post.

PM Laptop Scheme Phase 3

The third phase of the PM laptop scheme has been launched by the federal government. All the students who are eligible for this scheme should do their online registration. Under this program, one lakh laptops will be given to worthy and qualified students. Distribution of laptops will be done on a merit basis. All Higher Education Commission member institutions and public sector students can apply for this laptop scheme. why study in tha USA

P M Laptop Scheme AIOU University

Allama Iqbal Open University has also been included in PM Laptop Program III. Allama Iqbal Open University students can now apply for the laptop scheme. They will get these computers based on their merit. Here we will also give details about the registration process.

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Eligibility Criteria

  • Students must register before the start of each program, as detailed below.
  • Candidate must have current CNIC or B-form number.
  • Must be a New student as of the Registration Last Date, which is June 20, 2023.
  • Students enrolled in public universities or degree-granting institutions duly recognized by HEC (excluding distance education).
  • Students Registration in 18-year programs leading to a Ph.D., MS, MPhil.
  • Students enrolled in 4- or 5-year bachelor’s degree programs.
  • MBA plus programs (3.5 years, 2.5 years, and 1.5 years) have students enrolled.
  • PM Laptop Scheme Registration

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PM Laptop Scheme Registration :

To register for the PM laptop scheme program and get a laptop, you have to follow the following steps.

  •   First of all, you have to go to this website, and click on the lines in the top right corner.
  • After that select the new registration button.
  • A form will be provided.
  • You have to enter the number from your National Identity Card in this form and tick a captcha.
  • So, when you have to click on Apply button.
  • You will receive some important instructions there, which you should read carefully.
  • After that, you have to press the exception button.
  • You will be given a form, and you have to fill it correctly with all your information.
  • After that, the summit button must be selected. ehuner online registration

Application with Mobile App:

Students can apply online from their mobile by creating an account on the Student Service Portal at the following link or updating their profile. Students submit an application through the mobile app or online portal. Website URL:

Contact Details:

For any contact:

  • Website:
  • Phone: 051-111-119-432
  • Mobile No: 0334 111 9432

Final Words:

In this post we have tried to provide complete details about “PM Laptop Scheme 2023” so save our website ( for more updates.

Last Date

The selection of students for the scheme was based on their academic merit and other criteria such as financial need and gender diversity.

The distribution of laptops to selected students is currently underway.

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